Paul Vergier (born in Valréas/FR) studied painting at the Fine Art School of Marseille, and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris. From 2000-01 Paul Vergier took part in the Erasmus European Student Exchange Programme as a visiting student at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Zürich.
Paul Vergier lives in Grignan.
CV français / CV English
2001-2002 Paris, School of Fine Arts (Jean-Michel Albérola's Studio)
2000-2001 ERASMUS exchange program with Zurich School of Fine Arts (Kunstgewerbeschule, Switzerland)
1997-2001 Marseille, School of Fine Arts (Luminy) / DNAP (National Postgraduate Diploma in Visual Arts)
Solo shows
2021 “sleeping beauties”, H Gallery, Paris (France)
2017 "caché derrière ce qui se voit", H Gallery, Paris (France)
2017 "Evergreen" Béa-Ba Gallery, Marseille (France)
2017 "Le silence des rêves" Sono-Art Gallery, Séoul (Korea)
2016 "L'espace du manque" espace Chabrillan, Montélimar (France)
2014 “La vie liquide” Lorch + Seidel contemporary, Berlin (Germany)
2014 "Le tableau est derrière" La Maison de la tour, Valaurie (France)
2012 “Luna Park” (July – August) RAAB Gallery, Berlin (Germany)
2008 “Terrien” Nathalie Gaillard Gallery, Paris (France) Exhibition catalog with text by Philippe Jaccottet
2007 “l’oeil tombe” Galerie Angle Contemporary Art Saint-Paul-trois-châteaux (France)
2005 “Ost”, Espace Ducros, Grignan (France)
Group exhibitions
2022 "ArtParis Art Fair" H Gallery, Paris (France)
2021 “SILLON”, contemporary art event in Drôme, Truinas (France)
2021 “les apparences” Centre d’Art “À Cent Mètres du Centre du Monde” (proposition de Thomas Lévy-Lasne)
2020 "ArtParis Art Fair" H Gallery, Paris (France)
2019 “Que rien ne complique le ciel bleu” with Sophie Hatier and Mireille Favergeon, Espace Ducros, Grignan (France)
2019 “Passeggiata” with N.Pincemin and M.Montchamps, Galerie Béa-Ba (Marseille)
2018 “Galeristes” with Galerie Béa-Ba (Marseille), Carreau du Temple, Paris 03
2018 "ArtParis Art Fair" H Gallery, Paris (France)
2016 "seconde ligne" Galerie Maïa Muller, Paris (France)
2016 "Novembre à Vitry" Galerie Municipale Jean Collet, Paris (France)
2016 "Positions Berlin Art Fair" with Lorch & Seidel Contemporary, Berlin (Germany)
2016 Group exhibition "biennale de l'UMAM" Menton (France)
2016 Group exhibition "Païsages" La Grande Galerie, Savasse (France)
2016 "Prix Antoine Marin" Arcueil, Paris (France)
2016 "60th Salon de Montrouge" Montrouge, Paris (France)
2015 "I Amsterdam you Berlin" with Lorch & Seidel Contemporary, Berlin (Germany)
2014 "Positions Berlin Art Fair" with Lorch & Seidel Contemporary, Berlin (Germany)
2011 “Tragique du Paysage”, Eric Mircher Gallery, Paris (France)
2009 "”éléments, sédiments”, Espace Ducros, Grignan (France)
2008 Art Paris Art Fair with the Nathalie Gaillard Gallery, Paris (France)
2008 Exhibition at Hotel Burrhus as part of “Supervues” show Vaison la Romaine, (France)
2006 "réserve, sans réserve", Eric Linard Gallery, Le val des Nymphes, La Garde Adhémar (France)
2004 “Art Cologne”, Raab Gallery, Berlin (Germany)
2004 “economy & extasy”, Raab Gallery, Berlin (Germany)
2003 “Unter drei”, Raab Gallery, Berlin (Germany)
2018 ARTPRESS N°451 by Romain Mathieu (three pages)
2016 "article by Emmanuelle Lequeux (61th salon de Montrouge)
2011 “Le Monde” (May 30, 2011) article by Philippe Dagen
2008 “Le Monde” (June 1, 2008) article by Philippe Dagen
“Le tas bâché est ma Sainte-Victoire! Elle combine tous les sujets qui me tiennent à coeur comme le recouvrement, le pli, le chantier, la terre, l‘étouffement... motifs qui évoquent tous le travail de la forme, du réel et questionnent en définitive la surface et l’espace du tableau, du voir, du regard, de l’aveuglement, ces éléments constitutifs de toute représention en peinture de tableau.”